The tricky fourth finger


By Robert Estrin


Try this: lift just your fourth finger while keeping the others on the keys. It’s harder than it sounds, right? The fourth finger is naturally weaker than the others, and it doesn’t move as independently as the thumb or middle fingers. This can be especially challenging when you’re trying to play with evenness and precision. In fact, even great composers like Robert Schumann were frustrated with their fourth finger. Schumann struggled with its weakness so much that he used a contraption to try to strengthen it. Although the details of the device are unclear, it was said to involve pulleys and weights—but unfortunately, it caused more harm than good. So, let’s not take extreme measures like Schumann did! There are better ways to strengthen the fourth finger without causing any damage.


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Strengthening the fourth finger


The good news is that there are ways to work on strengthening the fourth finger that will help improve the independence of all your fingers. One of the unique challenges of piano playing is that the strongest fingers (the thumbs and middle fingers) are in the middle, while the weaker fingers (the pinky and fourth finger) are on the outside. This imbalance can create problems when you need to achieve even voicing in your playing. For example, if I let my hand fall naturally onto the keys, the sound might end up uneven. The result is an imbalanced sound, with the stronger fingers dominating. To fix this, you need to shift the weight of your hand toward the weaker fingers—especially the fourth and pinky fingers. This will help you balance out the sound and create a more even tone. By practicing this, you’ll learn how to distribute the weight properly, which is crucial for bringing out both the bass and the treble lines in a piece.


Clean scales: focus on the release


Another issue pianists face is sloppy scale playing, which can often be traced back to poor finger release. If your fourth finger doesn’t lift cleanly from the key, it can leave an unwanted sound behind, making the scale sound messy. To improve this, focus on the release of each note so that the note is cleanly released from the key. You can practice this by slowing down your scales and exaggerating the release:


1.Set your metronome to a slow tempo.


2.Play one note per beat, making sure to lift each finger high enough to clear the key, especially the fourth finger.


This slow practice will give you the time to pay attention to your hand and make sure the notes are released cleanly. Over time, this will help you build strength and control in your fourth finger, and your scales will sound much cleaner.


Developing control over melody and harmony


Your thumbs are naturally stronger, so when you’re playing, the tendency is for them to dominate the sound. But to bring out the melody clearly, you need to practice controlling the strength of each finger and where the weight is placed. A good exercise is to practice bringing out each voice in a chord progression. For example, take a simple chord progression and focus on each voice: soprano, alto, tenor, and bass. This can be a good way to practice controlling the strength of each finger and ensuring you can highlight the important voices in your music. By practicing this way, you’ll get better at controlling each voice in more complex pieces, too. Whether you’re playing a simple hymn or a more intricate score, you’ll be able to express each line clearly and evenly.


Embrace the fourth finger


The fourth finger might be a little tricky, but with patience and practice, you can gain control and strength in that finger. By focusing on clean releases, proper hand balance, and making sure you lead with the right fingers, you’ll improve your overall playing and get a more even sound. So, next time you’re practicing scales or a challenging piece, take it slow and pay attention to those little details. With time and careful practice, your fourth finger will become strong and reliable. 



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