Wilson G Smith: Autumn Memories Op 103 No 6

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Little is known of American composer, writer and music critic, Wilson G Smith. Graduating from the University of Cincinnati, he continued his studies in Berlin where he was taught by Scharwenka, Kiel, Moszkowski and Raif. He wrote over 1,000 compositions, including piano solos and suites, songs and technical studies for the piano, dances, and waltzes.

On Sale: 08/02/2022

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Wilson G Smith: Autumn Memories Op 103 No 6

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Autumn Memories is the final piece from his Autumn Sketches suite.


Playing tips:

The endearing melody will benefit from good legato. Try to feel as if the keys are glued to your fingers! In the RH, at the start of bars 12, 14 and elsewhere, the fingers change on the minim note. This is called finger substitution: whereby the fingers change on a key without releasing that key so as to prepare the fingers for notes that follow.

You will also find moments where the RH plays a note with the thumb, followed by another note with the thumb (e.g. bar 25-26). That’s absolutely fine – the pedal helps to keep things legato and the thumb allows for a real deep touch. For the opening octaves (in bars 1, 3, 5, 7), we suggest using both hands. 

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