Reynaldo Hahn: Les rêveries du Prince Églantine

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The Venezuelan-born French composer, conductor, music critic, and singer Reynaldo Hahn is best known for his songs, of which he wrote more than 100.

On Sale: 08/02/2022

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Reynaldo Hahn: Les rêveries du Prince Églantine

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What's in this Download?

This dreamy piece comes from a collection of solo piano works entitled ‘Le rossignol éperdu’ (the bewildered nightingale). The collection, comprising 53 short pieces, is to Hahn what the Songs without Words is to Mendelssohn and the Lyric Pieces to Grieg.


Playing tips:

The big challenge here is… yes, the LH part again! The intervals in the LH accompaniment part can be awkward to execute, but the suggested fingering should help. The LH notes need to be pianissimo, too, yet each note has to be heard! The RH should also remain soft throughout, but it still needs to project as it carries the gorgeous melody.

Pedal tips:

A good amount of pedal is needed in order to create the dreamy atmosphere. Try to experiment.

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