John Geraghty: Follow the Birds

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Geraghty: "My piece, 'Follow the Birds', is written over a basic 12-bar blues chord progression. Musicians that play by ear often ‘jam’ together over these chords: C-C-C-C-F-F-C-C-G-F-C-C, with each musician taking turns to solo over them."

On Sale: 08/02/2022

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John Geraghty: Follow the Birds

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Playing tips:

This bass line pattern is played over two bars. Learn the first two bars off by heart, until you’re not looking down. This will make it easier to focus on the RH. Use the same pattern for F (bars 5-6). The bass line for G (bar 9) only uses the first four notes of the two-bar pattern.

Blues piano often uses thirds in the RH. When playing from two black notes onto two white notes, as in the first bar, start with your fingers close to the edge of the black notes and then slide the fingers off, making sure you don’t move your arm towards you. If you find that fingers 1 and 5 are off the keyboard, then you’ve moved the arm too far. Use the same technique when sliding from one black note to one white note. Pay close attention to the two-part harmony.

There’s no need for pedal – we want to keep the bass nice and clear.

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