Enrique Granados: Epílogo, No 6 from Escenas Románticas

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The six 'Escenas Románticas', of which this is the final piece, represent Granados’s more inward and intimate side.

On Sale: 16/10/2019

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Enrique Granados: Epílogo, No 6 from Escenas Románticas

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To listen to them as a set, we recommend Spanish pianist Alicia De Larrocha on RCA Victor (Sony). As the Guardian wrote, she was ‘the leading Spanish pianist of her time.’ Playing tips: Notice the word ‘spianato’ at the start (which means smoothly). In order to play smoothly and evenly at such a soft dynamic (see the pp in the LH!), you will need to do slow and careful practice. We suggest learning the LH first, feeling every single note and making sure each note is of equal sound and touch. The RH is less technically challenging, but it requires exquisite phrasing and sound – the climax being at bar 33, where you should really give it your all.

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