Pianist 133 Aug/Sept 2023

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French pianist Hélène Grimaud graces the cover of the upcoming issue of Pianist, plus we launch the Pianist Composing Competition 2024!

On Sale: 21/07/2023

What's in this issue?

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What's in this Issue?

✔ Hélène Grimaud - With a new release of Schumann and Brahms about to surface, the enigmatic French pianist talks to Peter Quantrill

40+ PAGES OF SCORES - Chopin’s Mazurka Op 64 No 7, Bach’s Prelude BWV 934, the sparkling first movement from Mozart’s Sonata K310 and a ‘Little Piece’ by Grieg… plus plenty more treats to keep you going. Listen to all the pieces before learning on the brand-new Pianist 133 album 

✔ Pianist Composing Competition 2024 - Enter your own piece for the chance to win a Kawai piano worth over £2,000! Full details here

Tom Borrow - The 22-year-old winner of the 2023 Terence Judd-Hallé Award talks about his dreams for the future

✔ Step-by-Step Lessons – Including a lesson on César Cui’s romantic Prelude Op 64 No 9 from guest writer-concert pianist Margaret Fingerhut

Masterclass 1 – Mark Tanner on the pros and cons of stretching ourselves

Masterclass 2 – Graham Fitch explores the harmony beneath the music

The Pianist’s Toolbox! – the important things that every performing piano-player should carry with them

Voicing your piano – When it comes to improving the sound of your piano, ‘voicing’ is crucial. What does that entail, asks John Evans, when he speaks to some concert pianists and piano technicians

EXCLUSIVE VIDEO LESSONS for all levels – from Graham Fitch, Chenyin Li, Tim Stein, Martin James Bartlett and more! 

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