07 January 2015
We are delighted to announce the launch of the <em>Pianist</em> Digital Store, where you can buy scores from our huge back catalogue<br /> ...
We are delighted to announce the launch of the Pianist Digital Store, where you can buy scores from our huge back catalogue
Over the years, readers have contacted us asking for scores from back issues that were no longer in print. We didn’t want to disappoint any of you, so now, with our new online Pianist Digital Store, you can access the huge catalogue of pieces that have been published inside the magazine.
You might have a certain composer you love to play. You could be looking for a piece of music that suits your level of playing (whether you’re beginner, intermediate or advanced).
You might have a favourite style of music – Romantic, Classical, Impressionist, Ragtime or Jazz, maybe? With the Pianist Digital Store, you’ll be able to build your own personal tailor-made library of scores to suit your piano playing style.
You can set up a free customer account by registering. We have many scores listed for as little as £1.00 a piece. So visit the Store, delve into the wide variety of scores available, click on the piece you want to buy, then download it. It’s so easy to use!
Every month we’ll be adding new repertoire to the Store. There’s a treasure trove of music just waiting for you to enjoy!
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