The pianist will dedicate his concert to all the survivors of the German concentration and extermination camps, honouring their decades of educational work as witnesses of the times and their intrepid defence of democracy in face of increasing far-right extremist and anti-Semitic hatred.
Today marks the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Dachau concentration camp, which is why Igor has chosen today to partner up with the International Auschwitz Committee.
During these days and weeks, when the world is also commemorating the 75th anniversary of the liberation of all the concentration camps and the end of World War II, the artist is attaching particular importance to this sign of solidarity with the very elderly survivors and the memory of their murdered families.
Christoph Heubner, Executive Vice President of the International Auschwitz Committee, commented,
“During these days commemorating their liberation 75 years ago, the survivors are feeling the pain of their memories and sufferings particularly strongly. Their distress is being made worse by the enforced solitude and isolation from their loved ones, fellow sufferers and friends as a result of the Covid-19 outbreak.
Many of them wanted to attend the liberation ceremonies, probably for the last time, in the places where they suffered such horrifying experiences. Under these circumstances the survivors are all the more grateful to Igor Levit for this unique artistic gesture of human kindness, and especially because time and again he gives them strength through his commitment and his protests concerning populist ignorance, conspiracy theories and right-wing extremist hatred.
He defends democracy with courage, creativity and a zest for life, and he motivates many people with his decisive stance. For this reason the IAC awarded him the B Sculpture (The Gift of Remembrance) in January this year. In addition to this, Federal President Frank Walter Steinmeier recently invited Igor Levit to perform at his house concert in Bellevue Palace."
Igor has been hosting House Concerts every evening at 6pm BST on his Twitter since 12 March.
You can watch Igor's performance at 6pm BST (7pm CET) on his Twitter page. Watch his latest House Concert below 👇🏽
— Igor Levit (@igorpianist) April 28, 2020